Yes You Mae Podcast

Episodes are live-streamed every Tuesday at 12PM EDT on YouTube and Facebook


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self help, inspiration, motivation, self confidence Amanda Mae Gray self help, inspiration, motivation, self confidence Amanda Mae Gray

Be Impeccable with Your Word | EP 13

From the book, "The Four Agreements" comes the title for today: Be Impeccable with Your Word. This rule struck a cord with me and I wanted to share some thoughts of it and how you too can start to take action in your life to be able to make the incredibly hard steps by stepping out of your comfort zone.

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Amanda Mae Gray Amanda Mae Gray

Letting go of opinions from your childhood | EP 9

We all have negative stories we tell ourselves on repeat in our minds. Often they come from things that happened while we are a child. Yet we still hold those things far into our adulthood way longer than we need to.

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